Object Properties / Info

Object Properties / Info displays information and measurements about the currently selected object or group of objects. The information displayed depends on the type of the object selected.

Object Info

Type: Displays the type of the currently selected object. If an object from the library is selected it will display the category and group of the item. If a group is selected the type will be group. If multiple items are selected, the number of items will be displayed here.

Name: The name field allows you to enter a custom name for the currently selected object. 

Area: Displays the area of the currently selected object, if applicable.

Coping Area: Displays the coping area of the currently selected object, if applicable.

Total Area: Displays the area + coping area of the currently selected object, if applicable.

Perimeter: Displays the perimeter of the currently selected object, if applicable.

Gallons: Displays the gallons of the selected pool or spa.  NOTE: Only available in Pool Studio and Vip3D.

Perimeter & Calculate

Object Calculate

Perimeter: Allows you to adjust the overall size of a selected shape by the perimeter measurement. Any linked Steps & Benches inside a Pool or Spa will scale accordingly.

Calculate Button: When you first create a shape, or manipulate an existing shape, the area and perimeter will display as 0. When you mouse over the Calculate button, the shape will highlight in green to show exactly what is being calculated.

Left click the Calculate button to calculate the area, perimeter, and other measurement details of the currently selected object. You may also calculate the measurements of multiple items.


Show In Library

Pressing this button will find the selected item, plant, tree or material in the library and load that category.

Object Show Library

3D Orientation

When the Rotate Tool is active, the Alignment Button (represented by a globe or a cube) in the center of the 3D Gizmo allows you to change the orientation of the arrows.

The alignment can only be changed when the Rotate tool is active. To change the setting, left-click the button. 

Gizmo World Object

Scale Position


Scale Position allows you to choose between Relative or Origin when you need to resize objects.

Relative: Scale objects relative to selection. (Shift + E)

When scaling a group (like a slide with rockwork), the Relative option is a quick way to resize and reposition multiple objects in relation to one another. 

Origin: Scale objects from origin point. (Shift + E)

When you enable the Origin option, you can easily resize multiple items at once without altering their positions. This is a great way to scale a row of bushes, for example.




Allows you to enter a number to rotate an object on the X Y and Z axes. For example if you want to rotate an object by 90 degrees enter 90 in the rotate box or use the up and down arrows.

The Z axis is the axis view in 2D. All shapes can be rotated on the Z axis.  Custom Shapes and Library items can also be rotated along the X and Y axes.

3D Gizmo

X Axis = Red Arrow

Y Axis = Green Arrow

Z Axis = Blue Arrow

Gizmo Rotation Box


The Scale Tool uses a single scale factor to uniformly scale an object in all dimensions. 

Scale: Allows you to enter a number to scale an object uniformly. For example if you want an object to be half its current size enter 50 to scale the object by 50%. You may also use the up and down arrows to increase or decrease the scale.

Object Scale   Object_NonUniformScale

Non-Uniform Scale

Non-uniform scale gives you the ability to make adjustments to plants and items in just one direction.

To use non-uniform scale, press the Lock icon (or use the shortcut Alt + E) to adjust plants and items in one direction.