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How to Find Your Computer Specifications and Hardware

We’re happy to help you determine if the software will run on your computer.

Version 2 is compatible with Windows 8.1 or 10

Version 3 is compatible with Windows 10 or 11

Step 1: Open the Start Menu

Right-click the Windows Icon on the bottom left-hand corner of your screen to open the    Windows Start Menu.

Computer Specs 1

Step 2: Find your Processor and RAM

Left-click System to open the About Settings Screen.
Computer Specs 2
Here you'll find the Processor and RAM (memory) of the computer.

Computer Specs 2A

Make sure to note this information. Once you have these details, you'll find the video card.

Step 3: Find your Video Card

Right-click the Windows Icon to open the Windows Start Menu.
Left-click Device Manager to open the details.
Computer Specs 3 
Double left-click Display Adapters.
Here you'll find that Graphics Card. Make sure to note this information.
Computer Specs 3A

If you have a laptop, dock or other connection, you may have more than one display adapter. You want to note the main NVIDIA or AMD device.

Step 3: Confirm your Hardware

Once you have the Processor, RAM and Video Card, head to our Hardware Requirements to determine if the software will run on your computer.

If you have any questions about a computer or component, please email us at support@structurestudios.com.

Computer Rating

Before installing, Version 3 will automatically scan your computer to make sure that it is ready to run the software.

This scan will provide you with valuable information, letting you know not just whether your computer is ready for Version 3 but also the visual quality your current setup will give you.

Your Processor, RAM and Video Card will score a rating out of 100. 

Computer Specs 4

Optimal (Score of 80 - 100)

A score of 80 to 100 will display a green bar.

Great for designing detailed high-end projects and expansive landscapes at the highest rendering quality.

A score of optimal means that your computer is ready to display stunning visuals.

Minimum to Recommended (Score of 41 - 79)

A score of 41 to 79 will display a yellow bar.

Recommended: A good balance between cost and performance. Shadows, reflections, and lighting lose a bit of extra depth, but these changes are subtle. 

Great for designing a complete property (front yard and backyard) with many objects, such as trees, lights, and furniture.

Minimum: Even though the score is comparatively low, the computer is still fully capable of running the Version 3 toolset.

Below Minimum (Score of 1 - 40)

A score of 1 to 40 will display a red bar.

Your computer is not able to run Version 3. You can continue to design in Version 2.